
Introductions, Meet & Greet, Cocktail Hour

Hello readers! Just thought I'd do a little initial 'hello' posting to welcome you to my long-overdue blog. Thanks so much for coming. I am really thrilled you're here. Honestly, I'm honored that anyone would spend any amount of their own time reading anything I have to say - major compliment to my ego, which I appreciate. So thank you all, whoever you may be, for stopping by. I hope you keep coming back to read my silly drivel and bask in the ridiculousness that is my life and the even-more-ridiculouos chronicling of said life.

SaltyChelle begins the chronicling of my new life in Salt Lake City. I moved here in June of 2007 when my boyfriend of four years was transferred for work. Like all good things (though it wasn't really), that came to an end this past April , and now I'm going it alone and feeling pretty good really. Expanding my horizons and my circle of friend in this incredibly gorgeous place. It still takes my breath away sometimes.

As for me, in a nutshell, I'm just your average midwestern girl I guess. I grew up in St. Louis in the private-catholic-school culture of heavy-handed morality and subequent guilt, which, coupled with my too-protective mother led me to teenage years of rebellion, pot, natty light, and a baby who cried her little infant eyes out at my high school graduation and made my boobs leak all over my gown. The parents were super proud.

And now that baby is eleven (JESUS!) and is my favorite part of my life. Usually. Just not when she's being a huge pain in my ass, as happens from time to time. But she really is a fantastic kid, and sometimes I can't believe how well I did raising a baby when I was still a baby. But I did. And then I pat myself on the back and say "good job self!" And I feel good for a minute.

Ok, enough with the introductions for now. Go grab a cocktail and have yourself a time.

Party on.

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