Worst blogger ever? Perhaps. As with most of the pet projects in my life, I have fallen sadly behind. And didn't I even post about how I have the internet at home now so "watchout!" cyberworld, here I come? I think I did. And haven't posted since. Because I suck.
However, I am home for lunch at the moment and downloading 8 months worth of pics off my camera. So, stay tuned for a photo-montage style Ode to Summer 2008, and another installment in the always popular My Neighbor is a Douchebag series (complete with a scanned letter the offending neighbors left for the very non-offensive neighbors who live below them). And perhaps an update on the more specific reason I've been less inclined to post these past few weeks...
Oh, and at Walgreens yesterday an irate tranny threw an irate-tranny-fit at the pharmacist for not selling her a box of syringes. Pit bull in tow (at what point did retailers stop prohibiting non-service animals? Not that I care, but really, have I missed something? Because I'm sure Rascal would love to accompany me into Walgreens rather than wait in the car), "fuck you's" flying around, man-calves and sexually ambiguous tattoos ablazin. Good times! And we all know how much I love those kinds of things.
the freakshow just follows you around to all the stores in utah huh? i was hoping for a long juicy post woman, expecially now that you have internet! worst blogger?! NEVER! love u, k
The more I grow to hate my job and the more I'm terribly bored with it, the more I NEED you to blog. Give a girl something to READ!! So, if you won't do it for yourself, do it for me. :) It's only 9:48 and I've hit all my usual sites...personal email, the mune, facebook, your blog...on a Friday. Blargh...
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